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Friday, July 11, 2008


Have you loved your pundit today? (CNN's Amy Holmes and Jamal Simmons)

Pundits. The whipping children of cable news.

I often blame pundits for either being horrendous political hacks or scurrilous pontificating pimps, shilling books and bad ideas for cash. But despite all my kvetching, secretly, I love pundits. They're hilarious. And some of them, even the ones I hate, aren't that bad. (I'm still convinced "Ann Coulter" is some form of performance shock art.) So in light of this political season I am soliciting a list from you, the readers of the pundits, surrogates and political prognosticators you love, hate and love to hate.

These are individuals like Juan Williams, Michelle Bernard, Gwen Ifill, Rachel Maddow, Amy Holmes, Jamal Simmons, Michael Eric Dyson, Paul Begala, Bill Bennett, Jim McLaughlin, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, David Brooks, Thomas L. Friedman, Paul Krugman, James Carville, Howard Fineman, Gloria Borger, Roland Martin, Bob Shrum, Donna Brazile, Leslie Sanchez, Alex Castellanos, Andrea Mitchell, Eugene Robinson, George Will, Michele Malkin, Harold Ford Jr., Linda Chavez, Bill Kristol, Pat Buchanan, Kellyanne Conway (nee Fitzpatrick), Clarence Page, Mary Matalin, Bob Herbert, Michelle Norris, Karl Rove, Dick Morris, John McWhorter, Maureen Dowd, Robert Johnson, Michael Steele, Ed Shultz, Jesse Jackson, Carl Bernstein, Al Sharpton, Tavis Smiley, Eleanor Clift, Monica Crowley, Mort Zuckerman, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Cilizza, Maria Bartiromo, John Podhoretz, Bob Novak, Chris Matthews, Sean Hannity, Nina Easton, Arianna Huffington, Joe Klein, Jeffrey Toobin, Armstrong Williams, Glenn Beck, Christopher Hitchens and much, much more.

Please rank your top five loves and top five hates with a few thrown in that you love to hate. And please, do explain why you love, hate or love to hate them. I'll be using the data to put up my GREAT WALL OF POLITICAL PUNDITRY, with your comments included. There will be an official Top 10 loves/hates category as well as a special honorable mention for those we hate, but are glad to see on the air anyway.

Truthfulness is appreciated. After all, you all know my feelings towards Amy Holmes, who should bother me more, but doesn't. For some background checkout this New York Times piece on the increasing diversity in pundits that ran back in April. (Can't place that pundit? See graphic here.)

Send your rankings to moi via email at blacksnob@gmail.com or post them in the thread below! The deadline for all entries is a week from now with the story running Monday, July 21.


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