attend the Monaco National day Gala concert at Grimaldi forum in Monaco.

Geez, we didn't even realize until now how weird "Princess Charlene" sounds.
We're thinking of keeping an eye on this gal, much like we're thinking of keeping an eye on the future Queen Catherine of England (which also sounds incredibly odd). In fact, those two gals should consider becoming besties because it is 100% guaranteed that they are both going to spend the rest of their lives being compared to their legendary and long-dead mothers-in-law. We like to picture them both 20 years from now in a pub somewhere, in wigs and dark glasses, drunk and yelling out things like "Fuck that fat old bitch, anyway!" and making wildly inappropriate jokes about seat belts.
This is a lovely dress, but we're thinking it's not the dress for her. She was an Olympic swimmer and she's got the shoulders to prove it. Nothing wrong with that, but she or her stylist need to take her shoulders into account when picking strapless gowns. And they should DEFINITELY rethink wraps that are the exact same shade of her skin because they make her look even broader.
Looks like Armani will be her couturier of choice. That seems like a good choice in general because she's athletic and sleek and those designs tend to look good on her. It's just that the unfortunate wrap and the bustline on this dress both combined to make her look much broader up top than she is.
[Photo Credit: wireimage, style.com]
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