Remember! The Black Snob is moving to Squarespace! The new site will officially be "live" on Inauguration Day, featuring sign-up memberships, my personal journal, The Secret Council of American Negroes blog, new "Hot Topic" discussion boards, easier access to the Snob store, a new layout and design, more interactive options and more!
If you are an RSS feed subscriber, sign up for new "Snob Blog" Squarespace feeds at here. The site's main blog feed will also continue to be available through Feedburner.
The site can also be accessed at the blacksnob.com address, as well as theblacksnobblog.com and daniellebelton.com. You can currently go to the new site now via those addresses.
PS. You will be able to read most old comments and all the old posts on the new blog, and come tomorrow (crosses fingers), this blog will automatically point to BlackSnob 2.0. Thank you for reading and making this site possible. Because of you and your donations I am able to take the site to the next level! Let's keep the ball rolling in 2009!
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