Howdy folks!
I'm still working on the Snob 2.0 site. (It's going slow, but I still think I can meet the Jan. 20th deadline.) I've enlisted my future business mogul baby sister (aka "Baby Snob"), Deidre, to be my business partner to help me get the site's financial house in order. She's basically going to focus on advertisement and marketing, stuff I don't always have the time to dedicate to. I may also have an editor on board to help out in reducing typos by more than half for 2009 and assisting in the shift to more pop culture and media coverage to go with all the Obama stalking.
I've also been invited to attend the 5th Annual Black Policy Conference at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. (The Snob is going to the land of Snobs, ya'll! Wait ... wouldn't that be Spelman/Morehouse? Well. If we were only talking precious black snobs.) The event will happen this April 16-17. I'm pretty excited. I'll be part of a panel.
I'm planning to use this trip to Cambridge as part of a larger trip (depending on my level of employment) where I will go on a tour, visiting friends and potential business partners on the east coast. If this happens I will let you know and document all in an on-line travelogue.
I've made a lot of east coast friends and I have a lot of old buddies from California who now live in the east, so this should be interesting. Perhaps I'll set up a speaking gig or two. I have to run that past my sister though, as she's going to be the brains here. Plus, I need to save up the cash to go on the trip and plan who, what and where I will visit. I definitely want to hit NYC, New Haven and the Washington, D.C. area due to connections I made, as well as visit long-time friends in Pennsylvania and Kentucky (my beloved Jesus Freak homies for life).
Plus, SOMEONE promised me a tour of 30 Rock that I plan to cash in. Mos def.
Stay tuned. Same Snob time. Same Snob channel.
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