We've begun the process of lugging the boxes up from the basement and decking the halls, Chez T Lo. Of course, in typical T Lo fashion, we skipped the part where we were supposed to clean the house first, so we're decking and wiping at the same time. We're not the most efficient of elves.
Anyway, the fine folks at Glee released previews of two numbers for their upcoming Christmas episode and we're too busy keeping cats away from tinsel to do any opinionating right now, so here:
Anyway, the fine folks at Glee released previews of two numbers for their upcoming Christmas episode and we're too busy keeping cats away from tinsel to do any opinionating right now, so here:
Adorable, amirite? We'll have more to say about this number after the episode airs. This one's going to the iPod, that's for sure.
We've listened to most of the tracks from the cast Christmas album and we have to say, we're a little disappointed. Not a bad track in the lot, but we were surprised at how traditionally arranged every song was. We were looking for some inventive updating. And how could they not give Rachel Streisand's version of Jingle Bells, which is hilariously nontraditional and quintessentially Jewish in its appeal? She would have knocked that one out of the park.
Anyway, enjoy a little holiday Glee while we untangle lights.
[Video Credit: Marhengui and DQS1984 via YouTube.com - Image Credit: fox.com]
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