Darlings, kittens, poodles, and beloved, precious unborn fawns, as the busiest year in T Lo history comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting. Nothing philosophical, mind you. Who the hell wants to think heavy thoughts when there are just so many light and fluffy ones to choose from? No, the year-end wool-gathering around here has taken a decidedly frivolous turn. Walk with us.
Foremost on our minds is the return of fabulous lizard bitches to our screen with the season 2 premiere of V on ABC, January 4th. We got our grubby little hands on a screener and suffice it to say, Jane Badler as Morena Baccarin's mother Diana is DELICIOUS. Four-inch heels, boobs, tight dresses, big hair, and the best giver of bitchface you ever saw in your life. They've turned the dials up to eleven with this season, it seems. Bigger, louder, more intense. Still a couple of supporting cast members we wouldn't mind seeing killed off, unfortunately. We'll get to it when it comes time to recap, but some of them slow down practically every scene they're in. In the mean time, here's a nice fat preview:
Veering wildly off in another direction, we have something of dire importance to discuss with you, our minions. You see, one of T's Christmas gifts to Lo was the gift of shopping, since there is no greater gift to give Lo. Namely, T told Lo to pick out a brand new wallet for himself. Lo has been scanning the globe for the perfect one and showed it to T last night: A lovely, respectable Burberry wallet. T recoiled in horror and pushed Lo to think a little outside the box. "Well, there was this other one I had my eye on and it is pretty fabulous..."
From Comme des Garcons. To Tom, this is absolutely a no-brainer and he should have a little fun and pick the beautifully, brilliantly bright wallet. Lo is leaning that way, but still feels the siren call of respectability. Minions, which wallet should T buy for Lo? It is vitally important that you weigh in.
In other scintillating T Lo news, we never made dinner reservations for New Year's Eve like we normally do and when this fact occurred to us last night, we found we didn't care this year. Instead, it's shrimp and pasta for dinner (because it takes ten minutes to make) and then we're settling in to watch both our Inception and Spartacus: Blood and Sand Blu-ray discs, which were also Christmas gifts from T to Lo, because nothing says the holidays like fabulously stylish movies of beautiful people firing guns at each other and ridiculously violent cable shows with heavy doses of full frontal (perfect) male nudity. Violence, style, and homoeroticism, darlings. Isn't that what it's really all about?
What are your plans for the evening? How high would you rate the homoerotic quotient of your New Year's Eve?
Whatever your plans, kittens...
Have a fabulous, safe, and homoerotic New Year! J'ADORE you all.
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