Grab a seat, ladies! We have another night of T Lo TV viewing ahead of us. It's not snowing (for once) but it's hellaciously cold 'round these parts. We're jumping into our flannel pants as we type.
Darlings, this is it: the final episode of the season 2 of The Fashion Show. Personally, we've enjoyed it. It frustrated us and occasionally bored us like any reality show does, and maybe its highest highs weren't anywhere near the best reality TV we've ever seen, but it kept us engaged, even if it didn't really give us any one person to root for. We'd prefer Jeffrey, wouldn't mind Dominique, and could accept Calvin if he really brings it for his final collection. We'll see.
Episode 10 Preview:
We love that Iman gives them all a pep talk that amounts to "Boy, I could not BELIEVE how much you sucked when you first got here!" But her hair looks great, doesn't it?
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