Hit it, bitches!

While there were definitely some pretty and interesting looks in this collection, we think you need look no further than their stated concept, a "goddess coming from air and turning back to the water," to see why they came in second. The goddess route is a cliche and practically guaranteed to provoked a bored response from the judges.

Worst look of the collection, easily. The entire look is bulky and dated and the fabric choice is horrible. We said he did a marginally better job of improving his look in the last-minute challenge, but it's still not a particularly stylish dress.

Easily one of the best looks in the collection. The color and draping are gorgeous. We will begrudgingly admit that he couldn't have achieved these subtle color changes without hand-dyeing the fabric, but we stubbornly hold on to the idea that he spends too much time on that sort of stuff and it rarely pays off in kind. This time, it did.

It's fine. The color effect is very nice. If only the design lived up to it. A bit too simple for this late in the game.

DO NOT GET. Sure, his explanation made sense: "The idea is this water goddess, she's on the land and she's returning back to the sea. The top represents air, the sarong at the bottom represents the waves." But that doesn't make it a pretty or even interesting look. Bizarre proportions on this thing. The jacket is an amazingly bad idea. The crown is a total WTF.

We love this look. We don't think it quite rises to the level of Cesar's best look, but it's damn close. Love the back, love the leggings, love the whole modern feel of it.

Enh. It's alright. It did move beautifully on the runway. Jeffrey tends toward simple looks that move and drape elegantly. This is right in line with that and right in line with the water/air concept of the collection.
In the end, they both made one really great, one really bad, and one kind of okay but nothing spectacular piece. Like we said the morning after, Cesar's a very good designer, but Jeffrey has been more consistently interesting in this competition.
[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman, bravotv.vom - Screencaps: tomandlorenzo.com]
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