Hit it, celebs:
Why are we reminded of the first ten minutes of Working Girl?

Boy, she really brought it to the red carpet, didn't she? And by "brought it," we mean a tablecloth.

It's got a teeny bit of interest. We don't hate it. That's about the best we can say.

See previous comment.

Jacket's just a skosh too tight there, son.

Boy, she really brought it to the red carpet, didn't she? And by "brought it," we mean a shower curtain.

Young man, we are thisclose to staging an intervention to get you to throw out the FAR overused "vest and skinny jeans" uniform you've been defaulting to. The gays do not get into a style rut!

Crazy grandma. We expect no less from her. We want her and Betty White in a cage match.

Come on, now. Unlike half the other attendees, we know who she is. We thought all the other dresses were so bland because they're on relative unknowns, but if Julia Roberts' niece can't score an interesting dress, we're going to have to assume that America's stylists have all been kidnapped and it's being kept hush-hush.

Yikes. Jerry, lay off whatever it is you're doing to your face, have some carbs every now and then, and seriously reconsider the hair.

Boy, she really brought it to the red carpet, didn't she? And by "brought it," we mean exactly the opposite of bringin' it.

See previous comment.
What is going ON here, kittens? We can accept that maybe we're in a cranky mood, but you all see it too, right? The sea of dull dresses before us?
What is going ON here, kittens? We can accept that maybe we're in a cranky mood, but you all see it too, right? The sea of dull dresses before us?

Oh, we give up. The stylists apparently have, so why should we waste our jokes on these lazy, style-free celebs?

Okay. That's better. We'd comment on the state of affairs that has a Kardashian as the most stylish in the room, but she's been steadily improving her look for a while now.

We like the color and the little epaulet thingies, but it's awfully shiny and we don't think the shoes or the necklace were a good choice.

The Vs want to BREED with us!
Actually, it's kind of an interesting dress.

It's pretty dull and safe, but we have to admit, she looks cute. A little juvenile, but cute.

Not crazy about the hem or the matchy shoes, but it's not a bad look.

We realize it's not the Oscars, but when did the PCAs become the casual Fridays of awards shows? We'd say they look cute but we haven't yet forgiven them for the "white t-shirt, jeans, and barefoot" pics they released last week with their new babies. The gays don't do cliche, boys.

Sweet. She's a little dull, but she has a consistent image that works for her and someone's working to ensure it stays consistent.

Where's Sooki? They're usually joined at the hip on the RC. Here's where we piss off a lot of people: We don't love that car coat length. We used to, but they got way over-used by the fantasy/vampire/goth crowd and now they need to be retired for a while. Also, he needs to stop with the Grecian Formula for men and invest in a good colorist.

Sweet, but dull. Are we talking about her or the dress? We'll never tell!

Oh, thank GOD. There's a sister on the RC and she's bringing both the style and the attitude. That sea of white people in neutrals was putting us to sleep. Cute dress.

We don't really love this dress but we think she's working the SHIT out of it.

Too tight and too shiny. His head looks like it's going to pop off.
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