He was 53. I was not a fan of the man's views or his employers but he had style. No one could turn the tables on a reporter like Snow. He was a worthy opponent. Snow died of colon cancer earlier this morning after leaving the White House last year. He said it was for professional reasons (the paltry $168,000 salary for example) but when he cancer returned and he kept looking sicker and sicker through the rigors of chemotherapy. A lot of people felt he was really living because of his health.
Fortunately he left a body of work behind to confound the masses for ages to come.
On his career the Associated Press wrote:
As press secretary, Snow brought partisan zeal and the skills of a seasoned performer to the task of explaining and defending the president's policies. During daily briefings, he challenged reporters, scolded them and questioned their motives as if he were starring in a TV show broadcast live from the West Wing.
Critics suggested that Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation. He was the first press secretary, by his own accounting, to travel the country raising money for Republican candidates.
I'll miss the guy, if only because I can't stand our current press secretary Dana Perino. It's like Dee Dee Myers broke that mold just so she could decorate it with designer shoes and Hello Kitty stickers. Sure, she's cute and all, perky even, but she's no Tony Snow.
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