I wish I could find the audio for it, but I'm going to have to ask you all to take my word for it. During Major League Baseball's Home Run Derby Monday night ESPN's announcers remarked that this was the "whitest" line-up ever with no Latino ballers and no black players. And as they laughed over the absurdity of this while Josh Hamilton went for his record breaking 28 homers in the first round, everyone forgot about about the secret Negro raging inside of Cleveland Indian center fielder Grady Sizemore. The not-black-black-man hit six homers in the first round, which would have been decent any other year accept Hamilton's 28-homer freak year.
It's not Grady's fault he doesn't give off that Jason "Don't believe your lyin' eyes" Kidd vibe. Every incognegro can't be a flaming incognegro!
Thank you reader Ciara for the video link!
PS. Grady was the first incognegro I wrote about for my Incognegro series.
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