This is the Naomi Campbell I like to see. The non-violent, sober, lovely, baby cuddling Naomi Campbell, all smiles as she participates in the Africa Rising music, fashion and arts festival earlier this month. These pictures taken of the festival from July 11 - 13 show black folks at their best. While Naomi and fellow ridiculously beautiful person Tyson Beckford star in the movie of my head called "Two extremely attractive black people make cute faces at adorable Nigerian babies," hip hop/R&B stars from the states rock the crowd.
While Rihanna is Rihanna and Jay-Z is Joe Camel, it is Chris Brown and his sudden need to take his shirt off all the time that's concerning me the most. Put it on, Chris. Put it back on.
Here are the best pics from Africa Rising.

Sigh. Enough beautiful baby cuddling with two of the world's most photogenic people (seriously, they are unnaturally beautiful people and they're like BFFs too. It's too much. Does Tyson hand Naomi the jar of Vaseline she uses to grease her face up before beating some fool down? Does he say, "No, not the new iPhone, girl. Use the Nokia!")
Time for the show and where there is show there is Camel Joe. Rock it.

Usher was also on hand to be Usher. Sweaty. Hardworking. Trying so hard to be sexy, yet still doing nothing for me, Usher. I can get more out of a completely clothed Tyson Beckford with a baby.

I realize that Chris Brown is trying to compete in the Usher Raymond Era (which is the Post-R. Kelly Era. At this point, I think Kells is trying to keep up with Usher rather than the other way around. Did Usher really need Kells on "Same Girl" that bootleg, awful recreation of "The Girl Is Mine?" I think not.) So because the competition from the other shirtless wonders is so hot Chris has to hit the gym and get his 12-year-old boy frame into killer shape. And he can cover that frame in as many tats as he wants, wear as many red stocking caps and make as many hard rock stances. Nothing coming out of his baby mouth sounds hardcore. And I love his duet with Jordin Sparks, "No Air," and that's about as far from hood as you can get with a ballad. Basically, I'm tired of the foolishness, Chris. Everyone can't be Usher Raymond IV. Put your damn shirt on and be Chris Brown.
Quit playing.

Side note: And in case you were worried they'd been kidnapped. Nick and Mariah and Mickey Mouse. Yes. WTF. WTF, indeed. Between this and their trip to Six Flags with the cupcakes I'm THIS CLOSE to guessing their next photo op will be in Branson, Mo. cavorting in Silver Dollar City before hitting up Fantastic Caverns in the Ozarks.

Please. STOP. PLAYING! (Picture from Blog Envy Is the New Black)
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