Celebrity Photos Fashion

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nas Protests FOX and FOX Balks!

A black person stood up and called someone on their shit and per usual, that person who did the shit and stank-a-danked things up cowered and hid. Black person: one. Punk-ass news bitch: 0.

Here are the pictures from Nas and Color of Change's confrontation at FOX headquarters were they attempted to deliver a petition the bitch-ass network would not accept. MAN are they wussies. They did this same thing to a gaggle of homeless war veterans confronting Bill O'Reilly for claiming there were no vets sleeping under bridges. Naturally, the posse of homeless Vietnam and Iraqi/Afghanistan war vets thought a tad bit differently. They wouldn't even let The Daily Show in there. (Well ... I can understand that. The Daily Show will clown on yo' ass and you will look a damn fool.)

Wussies. And typical. They'll bash black folks on air, but they can't tell it straight to our faces. Punks!


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