Looking for a way to spruce up your wool skirts? These feather pattern tights by Free People are an easy and fun way to make any outfit look new again. $38
Barack and Michelle being adorable and inspiring with Barbara Walters. Check out the rest of the interview on Faith's blog -- Acts of Faith In Love and Life.
Best part, you can see BOTH Obama daughters in these shots. No more random dude obscuring her little, shorty-short self from view. The photos are by The Associated Press and feature the Obama family's visit to a Chicago food pantry and Catholic school Wednesday. Hope everyone is enjoying Thanksgiving. All five Snobs of the Snob family are together (even the infamous Baby Snob!) trading stories and stuffing our faces.
I love the shots of Barack and family in the Catholic school. Those kiddies were stoked to see the president-elect. Can't really blame them. One of my grandpa's most cherished photos is of one taken with him and former President Jimmy Carter. President Carter had come to Arkansas to fish and my grandpa worked for a family who knew the Carter family. I don't know how he felt about Carter pre-photo, but out of all the photos my grandpa ever took the one with Carter is one of the rare shots of him smiling.
The majority of us will never meet the president, or any president, so ... GO NUTS, KIDDIES!
Veronica Lewis bows for President-elect Barack Obama, and his family, from left, Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha, 7, (hidden) Malia, 10, distributing Thanksgiving turkeys at the food bank at St. Columbanus Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago today. (AP Photo by Pablo Martinez Monsivais, from The Swamp political blog)
What is it with folks and their fascination with Obama's high target status?
From Esquire's press release:
DETAILS is releasing our DETAILS Power List- the 40 Most Influential Men in the World. Who’s #1? Obama’s Secret Service Agent claims the #1 spot on the DETAILS Power List, who, according to DETAILS, is the only thing standing between the free world and a catastrophe. Yes, it’s amazing to witness the historic, anything-can-happen triumph of Barack Obama, but “anything can happen” is precisely what we need to be worried about. As America’s first black president-elect, explains DETAILS, Obama is a walking provocation to racists everywhere.
I know Details just wants to be "different" from the other magazines, like Esquire and GQ who have been French kissing hope to sling copies ever since he announced his candidacy, but giving the Secret Service props because Barack Obama is such a huge target both politically and symbolically is kind of lame.
It's also a wee morose while at the same time saying that all American presidents relatively meaningless assassination-wise until Obama. One could argue that being the leader of the wealthiest nation with the most expensive and technologically advanced military AND having oodles of influence at home and abroad already makes you a walking target for fear and loathing. Blackness is merely an added "wow" factor.
While Obama freaks out the racists something plentiful, of the presidents who have either been assassinated or survived the attempts there was an extremely high number of rogue nutjobs. President McKinley was shot by an anarchist. President Ronald Reagan was shot by a deranged Jodie Foster/Taxi Driver stalker/fan. While, the wackadoodle number is up with Obama, every president has to deal with it. I don't think the Secret Service deserves any extra points for getting a black guy this time.
Here's some from the actual article:
Let's face it: The audacity of hope is about to be tested by the tenacity of fear. Yes, it's amazing to witness the historic, anything-can-happen triumph of Barack Obama's 21st-century march on Washington, but if you're old enough to remember the black-and-white flicker of mid-20th-century TV footage you know that the concept "anything can happen" is precisely what we need to be worried about. As America's first black president-elect, Obama is a walking provocation to racists everywhere. Maybe for a while you had faith that the country was past all that—but then you heard those voices from the rabid mob barking "Kill him!" at Sarah Palin's and John McCain's rallies, and instantly the ghosts of JFK and RFK and MLK and Malcolm X began to float on the horizon. "Some idiot out there's going to put a bullet in that silver-tongued devil and then there'll be a race war," Thomas Stevenson, an Atlanta carpenter, told the Roswell Beacon in late May—which inspired an illustration featuring Obama in the crosshairs of a rifle. And it wasn't just "real Americans" like Tom the Carpenter who provided revealing blurts from the collective subconscious. Doris Lessing, the Nobel laureate, mused to a Swedish newspaper, "Obama would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would murder him." All of which means that a tremendous burden rests on the blue line of Barack Obama's security detail.
FYI: Don't take this list super seriously. It's the end of the year and every magazine will be slapping together these sorts of rankings and Details, Vanity Fair, Esquire, Vogue, et al, have to do their darnedest to write something that will get some buzz. Along with anonymous secret service guy, Details adds the following to their purposely unconventional list: "The National Enquirer Reporter," all Palin's men (husband, sons and the guy who knocked her daughter up), singer John Mayer (for being a "press whore." Their words. Not mine), Lil Wayne, Guns N' Roses long-delayed released "Chinese Democracy," Thomas Beatie, the "Pregnant Man" who isn't a man, and a bunch of other folks who make no sense.
When not trying to save the economy by holding daily press conferences, President-Elect Barack Obama spends his time enjoying his last few moments of freedom before he becomes ours, all ours. He also gives interviews. "60 Minutes" got their stab at rating's gold, now it's Barbara Wah-Wah's turn. Both Obamas (him and hers) will be interviewed by Walters as part of an ABC News special airing Wednesday (tonight) night. Check your listings!
I can't decide if he's parodying anyone specific or simply doing a parody of a parody of a parody about fast food and R&B music videos. McDonald's tends to make amazingly dumb commercials when they are geared towards African Americans (remember "Calvin" getting a job at McDonald's, as later parodied by Dave Chappelle? Or a then unknown Tyrese Gibson singing on a bus? Oops. That was Coca Cola. Or that horrible little kid with the boombox in the "Cha Cha Slide" commercial about the apple dippers? Or anything involving rapping?) This commercial is amazingly cornball, but it's in that catagory of "corny things I love" right now. It didn't make me want to buy any nuggets, but I did find the words "McNugget lovin'" have officially entered my lexicon. Way to go, Madison Avenue!
People keep joking about the untimely demise of President-Elect Barack Obama and it continues to not be funny. Take "artist" Apollo Braun's (aka Doron Braunshtein's) sweatshirt opus -- Who Killed Obama?
From Gawker:
Now that we have a glorious, hopey new president, it's time for the assholes to come out. Idiot L.E.S. designer Apollo Braun—famous for being the idiot who makes sweatshirts saying "Who Killed Obama?"— has issued a mumbly press release declaring that he will not stop making his idiot sweatshirts, despite alleged pressure from the FBI, which may or may not be a likely fabrication like the rest of the idiot's stories. He also gives an appropriately amusing quote!:
"I am not saying 'Kill Obama' I am only saying, 'Who Killed Obama?' And yes, you may say that I am predicting the near future ... I am still not sure if this is the best pop art creation I have ever made, or if it is the worst pop art creation I have ever made. But one thing is certain, it is definitely one pop creation that asks a lot of questions and evokes a lot of emotions in people... If I wouldn't do it, as an artist, who will?"
This isn't Braun's first attempt at being an asshole. He's a repeat offender. He created the "Who Killed Obama?" shirt back in March around the same time he was pushing an "Obama Is My Slave" T-shirt. He expressed horror that some individuals -- who may or may have not been Negroes -- expressed their discontent in the most forceful language possible. He even claimed he got roughed up by some unruly black girls, but that alleged assault is highly in doubt. Besides, claiming you were pimped slapped by tweens wearing skinny jeans who are two years out of the "That's So Raven" phase does not inspire empathy. I really don't think he was horrified by all the negative attention so much as he was delightfully pleased. He's one of those boring, pseudo hipster artist provocateurs.
[B.d.], who left the Holy Land for New York in the summer of 2001, is no stranger to controversy. One of his fashion shows featured a gay wedding between two models, one with a mask of President George W. Bush, the other wearing an Osama bin Laden mask. He doesn’t seem to be a fan of any politicians, stating he is no fan of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and that Sen. John McCain “is not the answer” for America. His line of anti-Obama shirts has been on sale since March, sporting slogans like “Jews Against Obama,” “Obama = Hitler,” and “Who Killed Obama?” the latter of which the designer claims has sold 1,200. They sell for anywhere from $69 to $250.
I think he should just drop it and leave this sort of thing to the professionals. And by professionals I mean Ann Coulter.
Seriously. She doesn't come down to your job and knock the mop out of your hand, Pseudo Hipster Boy. Get off her race-baiting turf.
That said, since Obama started running two years ago he has endured countless threats and acts of really tacky art, including the racist whack-a-doodle clusterfuck that developed around the time when Gov. Sarah Palin was singing her no. 1 alt/country/folk/rock hit "Obama's Been Pal'in Around With Terrorists (Wouldn't You Rather Be Palin Around With Me?)"
Palin talked about infamous William Ayers so much she's still blabbering about him in interviews, but as a wise woman in a weave and hot pants once told me, if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it.
Before that there were whack-a-doodles and art exhibits like the double threat of "The Assassination of Barack Obama" and "The Assassination of Hillary Clinton" created by "artist" Yazmany Arboleda earlier this year. The exhibit memorably featured a picture of Obama's adorable daughters with "Nappy Headed Hos" at the top (pictured above). I believe the exhibit was supposed to make you think. All I could think was that the artist was a tool. Like Pseudo Hipster Boy here, the artist was in it for the attention.
They're shock artists.
Sometimes shock art has a value and sometimes it's just tasteless boosterism. Look how edgy I am. I made a sculpture of Osama bin Laden raping Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch as Suri looks on and a pigeon poops on Xenu. Wow. I am so bad ass now. For $65, I'll put it on a T-shirt.
I don't see this stopping anytime soon -- the unfunny jokes, crappy assassination art and the deranged -- so for those who actually care we are going to have to endure. After all, that's what the Obamas will be doing as a family. Trying to fix the country's 1,001 problems while enduring the BS that comes with the job.
We will have to endure the threats, the shock artists and the whack-a-doodles and, dare I say it, the Sarah Palin, unless something happens that renders them all pop political eunuchs. Unless something happens that makes white supremacist groups stop using Obama's election as a recruitment tool, this is our future.
Reserve your outrage for something worthy. This tool is not it. This was more of a public service announcement. When it's "clobberin' time" you'll know. For now, simply vent as I have or share your coping mechanisms with myself and the others.
Right now, I'm just going to shout a stream of explitives then take some Clonazepam. That's how I'm making it through the next four years -- Brave. Angry. Neurotic. It's the Black Snob way.
Planning. Pondering. Procrastinating.
The Snob spent her two quasi weeks off from the blog working a job she semi-hates for cash; applying for better jobs that will hopefully (cross fingers!) come with health benefits; writing a pilot for a potential TV show (details to follow if anything materializes); discussing taking one of my screenplays and giving it the graphic novel treatment, a la "Watchmen," with a graphic artist buddy of mine; occasionally updating the blog and my Facebook page; looking into Web hosting and a new design for the site and planning towards the site relaunch deadline of January 20, 2009.
It was a good use of my time off and while I'm officially back and blogging, things will be getting up to speed gradually with the help of some guest posts from a friend of The Snob. It might be a second before I'm rapidly posting six times a day as I was during the last two weeks of the election. Mostly because I want to be able to finish those new projects and keep the blog updated.
I'll post some more this afternoon, but, if you weren't on Facebook and missed what I was reading and talking about, here's are a few of the big issues that popped up while I was away.
Barack Obama: The House Negro ... Seriously? (Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader used a racial epithet to insult Barack Obama in a message posted Wednesday, describing the president-elect in demeaning terms that imply he does the bidding of whites. The message appeared chiefly aimed at persuading Muslims and Arabs that Obama does not represent a change in U.S. policies.
Ayman al-Zawahri said in the message, which appeared on militant Web sites, that Obama is "the direct opposite of honorable black Americans" like Malcolm X, the 1960s African-American rights leader.
In al-Qaida's first response to Obama's victory, al-Zawahri also called the president-elect — along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice — "house Negroes."
Speaking in Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term "abeed al-beit," which literally translates as "house slaves." But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech that included the translation as "house Negroes."
The message also includes old footage of speeches by Malcolm X in which he explains the term, saying black slaves who worked in their white masters' house were more servile than those who worked in the fields. Malcolm X used the term to criticize black leaders he accused of not standing up to whites.
It always fascinates me when people from other countries crack open some books and learn some of the racially explicit history of America and the terms that come with it. So, um, hearing a non-black American call a black American a "House Negro" is a little hilarious. You know? Where I want to say, Hey? I didn't notice you on the plantation, Zawahiri! Where you picking cotton or tending to the horses? I suppose the "world" could be a plantation, but I think we're giving the Masters of the Universe, aka the G-8, a little too much credit here.
(A)l-Qaeda didn't say this to influence us Negroes in America, but other Muslims internationally, specifically the ones who may be impressed by Obama and his election. It's not going to help them any if people are debating the merits of the Western world again. They work best when they've convinced everyone that we live in an amoral, racist wasteland with no soul, driven only by selfish desire and money. They're trying to a win a propaganda war for the "hearts and minds" of the people. You can't do that if people are all impressed with the cool black guy everyone else is talking about.
Michelle Obama in Paris Match Magazine
Nice. Very nice.
Alan Keyes won't stop his Captain Ahab routine (Georgia NBC affiliate)
SACRAMENTO, Calif.- A former opponent of Barack Obama's has come back to haunt him over questions regarding Obama's citizenship.
According to a press release from the American Independent Party, former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and other members of the party have filed suit in California Superior Court in Sacramento to stop the state from giving its electoral votes to President-elect Barack Obama until documentary evidence is provided to prove Obama is indeed a natural born citizen of the United States. A copy of the writ can be found here.
This is a joke right? Why, Alan, why? Why go down this rabbit hole when it's dunzo? The man is president. He's a US citizen and it's hard to get all Jean Val Jean on the frickin' president of the US. Are you going to bust down a citizen's arrest on President-elect O-Man? You're worse than the "Bill and Hillary Clinton murdered people in Arkansas" people.
Considering (Keyes) couldn't get to the top of the Republican ticket and neither the Constitution Party or Libertarian Party wanted anything to do with him that should say something. I want to write Keyes and tell him that he obviously freaks people out and should consider a new line of work that doesn't involve winning a popular or electoral vote count.
Barack and Michelle: The New Brangelina? (Washington Post)
Have Barack and Michelle become the Frosted Lucky Charms of the media? Everything they touch turns into ratings and revenue.
Perhaps it was the announcement that NBC News is coming out with a DVD titled "Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story." Or that ABC and USA Today are rushing out a book on the election. Or that HBO has snapped up a documentary on Obama's campaign.Perhaps it was the Newsweek commemorative issue -- "Obama's American Dream" -- filled with so many iconic images and such stirring prose that it could have been campaign literature. Or the Time cover depicting Obama as FDR, complete with jaunty cigarette holder.
Are the media capable of merchandizing the moment, packaging a president-elect for profit? Yes, they are.
What's troubling here goes beyond the clanging of cash registers. Media outlets have always tried to make a few bucks off the next big thing. The endless campaign is over, and there's nothing wrong with the country pulling together, however briefly, behind its new leader. But we seem to have crossed a cultural line into mythmaking.
"The Obamas' New Life!" blares People's cover, with a shot of the family. "New home, new friends, new puppy!" Us Weekly goes with a Barack quote: "I Think I'm a Pretty Cool Dad." The Chicago Tribune trumpets that Michelle "is poised to be the new Oprah and the next Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis -- combined!" for the fashion world.
Whew! Are journalists fostering the notion that Obama is invincible, the leader of what the New York Times dubbed "Generation O"?
Between being on the cover of every newspaper and magazine at home and abroad and all over the TV I'm starting to think that if you just stand in the general vicinity of the O-Man and the O-Woman and click your heels three times God will begin to rain down whatever you've had your heart set on. Like men, money, actual rain. (Esp. in the case of California. You think they'd run out of spots the burn, but I lived there for five years. Sadly, they don't.)
SNL totally doesn't need people of color to accurately spoof a multi-ethnic Obama Administration (Entertainment Weekly)
SNL hired some new folks. No big. Just some more lovely white ladies. Maybe one of them is the next Tina Fey. Maybe. But you know who neither of them will be? Michelle Obama in any sketch about Obama over the next four-to-eight years.
Let's put aside the fact that SNL often has trouble figuring out what to do with its black actors (Eddie Murphy famously hovered in the background of his first sketch) and rarely hires black actresses (only Rudolph, Danitra Vance, Yvonne Hudson, and Ellen Cleghorne made it to the cast in the show's 33-year history). Are we really supposed to believe that in the two years the Obamas have been in the national spotlight SNL hasn't been able to find actors of color who can portray them—in addition to being funny and versatile on the rest of the show?
Maybe all of this eye-rolling is premature. Maybe there's an announcement coming soon from Studio 8H that they've discovered this apparently rarest of species: funny black people. We sure hope so. Otherwise, it's going to be a long, dry four years.
I'm fine with SNL hiring whomever, I'm just really, really, really, really hoping Fred Armisen's impression of Barack improves exponentially to make up for the light brown-face.
Although I had to laugh at the EW writer's last line making it sound like "funny black people" are this rarity when in American comedy the only thing bigger than "funny black people" are "funny Jewish people."
Biggest sitcoms of all time were The Cosby Show and Seinfeld. The market has spoken! Jews and blacks got comedy on lock! Now find me a black Jewish comic and sweet merciful Moses, all hell-larity would break loose. Jewish black mother jokes? Getting Jay-Z at your nephew's Bar Mitzvah? Both bagel and fried chicken jokes?
I'm so there.
PS. A reader asked me if Whoopi Goldberg counts as the magical black Jewish comic. I say ... she's pretty close!