Starter topics: FOX News for eight years has benefited from a close relationship with a more than friendly White House. Keith Olbermann's crescendo is directly related to George W. Bush's decrescendo. Every comic who makes fun of the news has lived fat off the Bush Administration. But Obama is about as far from Bush as one can get. What is going to happen to the media economy Bush created? What is Keith going to rail against every night? Will Bill O'Reilly have to learn to be civil? Is Rupert Murdock trying to kiss up to Obama in the same way he kissed up to Tony Blair when Blair came to power in the UK? What will be the joke du jour for Jon Stewart? Inquiring minds want to know. What do you think will happen?
Or, do you love Glitter and Chuckles or do you hate them? Do you look forward to whatever picture will be here every morning of my hiatus fortnight or do you find some schadenfreude or do you just hate them and focus on the alternate topic starter question? Do you wish them well? Do you think they'll crash n' burn in a matter of months? Are you already picturing their future children?
For the record, I find them HILARIOUS, which is why they are torturing you for my hiatus period, but some may feel otherwise. Speak your mind if you are so inclined.
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