I know some of you don't like Glitter and Chuckles (and you who don't like them are totally hurting their feelings. They have another week left of blog babysitting to do!), so here are some pictures I would have posted to the blog earlier if I hadn't been working on other things during my blog vacation ... which is going well, BTW. I'm getting A LOT of work done and planning for the future of The Black Snob and working on a not-so-top-secret writing project.
I'm still updating on Facebook while I figure out phase two of the blog! Thanks for weathering through. Here are some pictures from an Obama date night a few weeks ago! Love the boots! Obama hot topics: Will it be public or private school for the girls? (I'm still betting on private. DC schools have issues.) The press is all sad that the Obamas aren't everywhere like they were during the election. They're just off somewhere, quietly planning the future. There, there, media. They'll be in the White House soon enough! Also, Michelle is wearing more heels. How soon before she goes hog wild and puts on a pair of 3-inchers? This MUST happen for my life to be complete!

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