Starter Topics: A lot of hubbub was made over the designer shiny red leather pumps Sarah Palin rocked on the stump and I have to admit, The Snob had shoe envy. I have terrible, no good wide, flat feet and short, stubby toes. My ex once told me I had "Flintstone feet." They're not that bad, but I could never wear those shoes. But Michelle Obama could wear some fly shoes.
Throughout the campaign she was almost always stuck in a pair of flats and I wondered, if it's OK for Cindy McCain to rock the stilettos and tower over her inflexible hubby, why can't Michelle? Does she hate the three inch heel? Would it make her too Amazonian? Yet I desire for Tyra Banks or Kimora or Condoleezza Rice to sneak Shelly O. a pair of banging pumps. Michelle doesn't need to be Imelda Marcos or anything, but I just want to see her in heels. Here is my fantasy shoe collection, none of which I can afford or wear.
What kind of shoes would you like to see Michelle in?
PS. If you see a pair of shoes you're curious about, just ask and I'll tell you the brand and where I found them.
Or, riddle me this ...
Do you find this man attractive? The verdict is still out on Chuckles, husband of Glitter, for The Snob. What about you?
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