Best part, you can see BOTH Obama daughters in these shots. No more random dude obscuring her little, shorty-short self from view. The photos are by The Associated Press and feature the Obama family's visit to a Chicago food pantry and Catholic school Wednesday. Hope everyone is enjoying Thanksgiving. All five Snobs of the Snob family are together (even the infamous Baby Snob!) trading stories and stuffing our faces.

I love the shots of Barack and family in the Catholic school. Those kiddies were stoked to see the president-elect. Can't really blame them. One of my grandpa's most cherished photos is of one taken with him and former President Jimmy Carter. President Carter had come to Arkansas to fish and my grandpa worked for a family who knew the Carter family. I don't know how he felt about Carter pre-photo, but out of all the photos my grandpa ever took the one with Carter is one of the rare shots of him smiling.
The majority of us will never meet the president, or any president, so ... GO NUTS, KIDDIES!
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