Girl 1: Our working girl of the two, blackberry in hand shes ready to answer all of your emails while enjoying some sunshine. He is definitely feeling the black dress, but the Heels are where He runs into some problems. Girls always tell He, its work I dont need to wear 4" heels, well guess what, F*ck you. Only the 4" get the promotions and the top jobs, keep wearing your 2" heels and you will go no where.
Girl 2: This is definitely our sexy student of the week. Black tank top jumper, capri style, showing off that ankle cleavage, which all kn0w is hot. Girl 2 has on like 4" wedges all tied up and twisted, but hey that "the way i like to be" (if you know the song) Girl 2 is also sporting a lot more jewelry then Girl 1. Gold Bangle, or stacked bracelets, hard to tell, but either way, He Approves.
Time for the ArmHE to Vote:
Vote I Agree: Girl 1
Vote I Disagree: Girl 2
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