Y'know? This may just have been the all-time biggest surprise reveal about a designer's home life.
We've never been to Hawaii, but just judging by Andy's personality and point of view, we assumed (without even thinking about it), that he grew up and lived in a metropolitan area. He had "City Girl" written all over him. Imagine our surprise when it was revealed not only did he come from a rural background...
...he came from a background so rural it had city mouse Tim Gunn shrieking like a teenage girl in a horror movie.
Catfish are scary, Tim. We're so with you on that.
Anyway, despite the rougher elements of the lifestyle, we can't imagine how inspirational living in such stunningly beautiful surroundings must be, especially to a sensitive guy like Andy.
Although perhaps the lush vistas did a number on his prioritizing because from what we could tell, spending so much time on the head gear was a pretty bad idea. Yes, the styling of the collection is important and they do make an impression, but ultimately, the judges will be making their decisions based on the garments. We can understand wanting to use imported fabric, but he should have bought something of comparable weight so he could bang out a couple pieces at home and get a sense of the construction and technical issues while waiting for the real stuff to arrive.
Because there's no way around it, these pieces look rushed.
When Tim mentioned that he only had two weeks to construct his entire collection of ten looks, we thought, "That's roughly the pace of the challenges; a day plus change to make an entire look."
We're talking New York Fashion Week here. Project Runway judges will forgive a lot when you make a dress in twelve hours out of car parts, but they expect to see six weeks of work on a Lincoln Center runway, at the very least.
This isn't a bad look, but the horizontal pleating is far from flawless.
And that collar is perhaps a bit too much.
THIS was a total head-scratcher. Never mind when you have TEN looks to show, why would you throw out a bikini when you only have THREE looks? And those three looks are going to determine your immediate future?
What was he thinking?
Worse, this isn't even all that impressive from a design or execution standpoint. The top looks a bit sloppy and the sheer thing starting UNDER the boobs is just odd-looking.
Strangely, the dress he banged out at the last minute looked better executed than the previous two pieces, both of which were relatively simpler to execute.
Lorenzo doesn't particularly like the green fabric and while Tom agrees that doing an entire dress in it might be overkill, he does like the way it works against the silver of the other pieces.
And it looks expensive, which is more than you can say about both Gretchen's and Michael C's looks. Although to be fair, MC's Palm Springs aesthetic naturally looks more expensive than Gretchen's Portland one.
But who knew that the lush panaromas of Hawaii would inspire clothes that look more expensive than both of them?
The pleating on this dress is amazing.
Especially considering the short amount of time he had to execute it. It was the right move to make because it impressed the judges enough for them to overlook any shortcomings in the pieces.
Although we think he had it locked up anyway, despite the way the judging shook out. They tried to make it look like he was in danger but we just don't buy it. Call us cynical bitches. It's a title we proudly claim.
Anyway, the head pieces are, frankly, a little silly-looking, but in the end, he showed that his collection was going to have style and drama and interesting things to show. That's enough to give him the go-ahead for Fashion Week.
And finally, there is an allegation against Andy that appeared online practically from the minute the pictures of his collection first appeared. We have not written about it or referred to it because we don't know if it will come up on the show and we don't want to spoil any potential developments, especially for people who haven't looked at his entire collection yet. It's impossible for us to prevent it from being discussed though, so we advise you to read the comments section with caution. If you want to know what we're talking about (and see some pictures for comparison), you can click here and here.
Tim Gunn's Workroom:
Extended Judging:
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video Credit: myLifetime.com - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/myLifetime.com]
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