You know what jumped out at us first, when we looked at this? How inconsistent he is. Maybe that's not the right word because in terms of design and execution, the quality level remains about the same. There are no real disasters here, not even the Jackie outfit, which we thought was an interesting experiment but wrong for the challenge (which was ill-defined anyway). But it doesn't have that cohesive quality that you'd see if we put up all of April's looks or when we put up all of Mondo's. Even Gretchen had a through-line. With these looks, we can say that Andy likes body-conscious clothing, strong shoulders, something of interest up around the neck, and his work has a very general Asian influence. It's Asian-esque rather than adhering to any specific culture. His use of black is second only to April's and when he did use color, it was always shades of red. He also tends to love the shiny and he favors structural, origami-like elements. We can easily see a collection based around these elements, but we don't think these pieces come together as a collection. Not that they're meant to, but generally speaking, the more consistent the challenge work, the more likely the judges will favor you.
Regarding the allegations made online (which we are more and more convinced will never be mentioned on the show but proceed with caution if you don't want to know), we're linking to another picture (here) that shows a competition piece side by side with what is purported to be its inspiration. We don't find this particularly damning but it's not hard to see that he was influenced at some point by the source material. This strikes us as similar to the allegations made against Irina in that the show isn't equipped to deal with them while they're shooting. It was only when people online had the time to make comparisons and do some research that this came up. We'll leave the discussion there and see what happens during the finale.
[Collage Credit: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]
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