As disappointing as the home visits were, they still managed to accomplish their most basic function.
To remind us all that these aren't characters on a TV show; these are real people. We don't care how self-important and occasionally bitchy she might have come across during the competition, we wouldn't wish what she was going through on our worst enemy.
Everyone always tries to present a pleasing version of themselves on reality television, but for this moment at least, we doubted not a bit that Gretchen was going through a pretty low period in her life. And in a way, we almost want to commend her.
Because from what we can see, that despair that she's feeling, in true artistic fashion, has found itself expressed in her work. The problem is, no one wants to wear a "despair dress."
We've made cracks about clothes that looked depressing, but these really do look like clothes designed by someone who's depressed.
To steal a line from the Duchess, there is no joy in these pieces.
And we're sorry, but Heidi needs to put the crack pipe down, because that ass bib suspender thing was just plain weird.
Worse, these clothes sure as hell don't look like they represent thousands of dollars worth of materials.
Think about it: they had 9 thousand bucks for ten looks. That works out to roughly 900 per.
Oh, we know the money doesn't work out that exactly, but these don't even look like they cost more than 50 bucks to make.
They sure as hell don't look like they could sell for much more than that.
We'll give her credit: we thought the jewelry was an interesting design. The problem is, it's pure craft fair. Like everything else here, this doesn't look like NYFW level work. And speaking of craft fair...
That bag is hiddy.
Nina, too, needs to put the crack pipe down, because she tried to praise this weird thing.
Come on now. That looks like an album cover in 1981.
Ticky-tacky. And that gold and green color combo is a bit nauseating.
Like so many other times this season, we seem to be seeing things quite differently from how the judges see them. We don't think Gretchen is untalented at all. We just think she's working in the wrong venue. She should be working for a small active-wear company that specializes in the kind of hipster looks she's good at. What we're looking at here is Gretchen attempting to be high fashion and we don't think that's her thing at all.
We don't really think it's Michael C's thing either, but he was producing stuff that at least looked like it could get some attention on a runway or red carpet. Her stuff is pure catalogue, and there's not a thing in the world wrong with that. We just disagree with the judges on this one. She belonged there less than he did. And despite the judges attempts to convince her, styling wasn't going to make these look any less like the vegan hipster clothes they are.
Tim Gunn's Workroom:
Extended Judging:
[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]
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