Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, October 1, 2010

Auf Wiedersehen!


Oh, Miss Valerie. We had such high hopes for you.

And that was before we knew you had a preference for slutty clothes when you were five (which only made us love you more.)

But you were a classic example of a talented designer who couldn't handle the rigors of reality television. When you weren't second-guessing yourself due to judge criticism, you were freaking out over the stress. We sympathize, girl.

Model: Tina Marie

But Babydoll, we seriously cannot get behind you on this one.

To our way of thinking, there were two worthier candidates for auf'ing on that runway. The problem is, once the judges put a designer in the "not impressed" column, it's very hard for them to get moved over to the "okay, we're impressed again" one.

The clock was ticking for poor Val and the only way she was staying in the game at this point was if she had done something to completely blow the judges away.

Mission not accomplished.

This was a retread and mashup of various other techniques and ideas she'd already used, none of which had ever garnered her a win.

The top wasn't awful, although the fit was terrible, which removed any charm it might have had. We're not loving the strip of exposed skin down the front. It's not flattering.

Neither is the skirt. It looks stiff and difficult to wear.

And we think the print is pretty unsophisticated. It looks like wrapping paper.

And while we agreed with the judges that the layered hem didn't work, we thought they were bizarrely obsessed with it.

We know her up-speaking and perhaps somewhat studied quirkiness got on a lot of people's nerves, but we thought she was fun and colorful and had a definite point of view worth taking a look at. We were sorry to see her go. Especially since she went out in a classy, if somewhat melodramatic manner.

"You guys, before I get on the boat to sail into the West, I just want to take a moment and tell you all what you mean to me."

"Christopher, you were always so sweet and easy to look at. Shame about your dresses."


"Mondo, I totally thought I had the quirky role all locked up, but you? You're a quirkmeister, dude."

"I am?"

"Good-bye, Andy! Don't cry! You'll rust yourself."


"I think I'm going to miss you most of all, Gretchen."

"I know."

"Michael Costello, I think I'll always miss how you ---"

"I believe there is still good in the world worth fighting for, Mr. Frodo!"

"April, don't ever forget, you're a star! Now go out th--"

"Seriously, can we wrap this up? It's been a long day."

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

Under the Gunn:

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video Credit: myLifetime.com - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/myLifetime.com]

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