Celebrity Photos Fashion

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Actor Fight!: Jamie Foxx Disses Señor Baby Wipes!

I'm not even a big Jamie Foxx fan (love his work though in "Collateral"), but that was HEEEEE-larious. From dissing Terrence's deliciously fey "plastic" selling album to how Howard plays the same dude over and over. Awesome. Oh, and the smack talking. The Zoot suit diss. The story about Terrence trying to play his guitar at a Fiddy show and wondering why the crowd didn't respond. If we didn't invent shit talking, we definitely took it up a notch. I loves it! As Kyle wrote at Defamer.com: Don Cheadle, we love you, but we're beginning our own fanboy campaign: Jamie Foxx as Terrence Howard as War Machine in Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2! (Radio Big Boy, Defamer)


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