The interpreters said the reporter (who was once kidnapped and tortured by Shiite militiamen) was yelling "This is a farewell kiss, you dog," but I always heard him yelling, "King Imperialist, Incurious George, you ruined my country! SHOE TO THE FACE!"
What a way to end the presidency. Poor George is never going to live the indignity of nearly catching a loafer to the noggin. Of course almost catching a shoe to the face is probably the closest President Numbnuts is going to get to "accountability" or "justice" for being a major fucktard with a Messiah complex who had the opposite of the Midas Touch.
I call it the "Turdblossom Touch." He everything he touched to turned into turds.
But, you know? Whatever. I've accepted the fact he's going to live out his days in Dallas trying to convince people he was just trying to keep us safe, not just trying to keep that oil safe. Some are calling for the release of reporter Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Al-Baghdadia television, and Iraqi reaction is mixed with some all "No! Shoe throwing is totally UNCOOL, man" and others "SHOE TO THE FACE, MFers!"
From AP:
In Baghdad's Shiite slum of Sadr City, supporters of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for protests against Bush and demanded the release of the reporter. Thousands took to the streets Monday, chanting, "Bush, Bush, listen well: Two shoes on your head."
Georgie Porgy was full of jokes, per usual, equating the shoe throwing to a freedom shoe throwing, or whatever glib thing he said that glossed over realities like being a kidnapped and tortured journalist, or having al-Qaida backers kill your family, or having your schools and businesses blown up, or seeing dead bodies fill the streets as neighborhoods were ethnically cleansed, or watching friends and family flee to Syria and Jordan to escape the bloodshed. You know? That shit.
But, who cares! It's presidential stand up time!
Talking to a small group of reporters after the incident, Bush said, "I didn't know what the guy said, but I saw his sole." He told the reporters that "you were more concerned than I was. I was watching your faces."
"I'm pretty good at ducking, as most of you know," Bush joked, adding quickly that "I'm talking about ducking your questions."
Oh, someday it'll be funny? Right? Right?
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