Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have made history, but what about everyone else? You know? All those other politicians, business folk and entertainers who might have had the "BEST. YEAR. EVA!" if Obamamania hadn't swept the world and Barack Obama hadn't become the 44th president of the United States.
I've alluded to this in a previous post on Ebony Magazine naming Barack Obama person of the year (in their first ever "Person of the Year" cover story), but now I've decided that with so many media outlets celebrating Obama via DVD documentaries and cheap, tacky plates, perhaps The Black Snob should do something for those who reached for the stars and no one noticed.
Submit your nominees here or via e-mail and the winners of The Black Snob's Sloppy Seconds Awards 2008 will be unveiled December 17.
PS. It's almost time for the Ed Bradley Award for Journalistic Hotness! Named for my immortal beloved, Ed Bradley of "60 Minutes" who was the perfect blend of insanely good journalist and sexy, the award is meant for TV journalists who make your toes curl involuntarily in delight.
As you may recall, earlier this year CNN's newst asthma sufferer TJ Holmes was crowned king. He's my Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of the TV News, you know? And I love him. (Although, my cheating heart has me secretly lusting his competition at CNN, Chris Lawrence.) This year I will be awarding both a male and female winners based on their looks and talents including teleprompter reading skills, charm and smarts. Start thinking of the TV talkers of your desire RIGHT NOW. If you need a refresher on who made the cut before, click here.
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