I was going to bury this because it feels so odd to ogle the president, but ... eh, screw it. Shirtless pics are going up top!

He played some golf too. (And yes, I got all ninty-billion of your notes and emails about Obama being shirtless! Yes! I got them ALL!!!)
This is going to be the most awkwardly sexy four-to-eight years ever. Also, are we joining the rest of the world in shirtless world leaders? If so, Hopey McChangey's abs kicks Putin's abs ass. And all disputes between our two countries should be settle with ab-offs.
But, back to serious business now. Nothing to see here! Move along! Enjoy the golfing pictures. Aren't they great? What? No, I don't want to discuss the shirtless pictures. YES, I'm aware I posted them. They're from TMZ and he's allegedly doing the laundry on his washboard abs, they joked. (Shirtless tip from Gawker, of course.)
They were taken along with several others of the family at the vacation home by gossip site Bauer-Griffin. It was a nightmare just to view the few pictures I did on their blog, (the site is all kinds of not working today), but it's worth it. There are tons of pictures on there. Although, if both the Washington Press corps and the paparazzi are all going to stalk the Obamas at once this is going to be an odd presidency.

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