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Friday, December 12, 2008

Extreme Obama: Almost Wrecking Your Car Edition

Yet another story for the "When Obama Love Gets Kooky" file.

From Thursday's Chicago Sun-Times:

As Obama’s motorcade made his way to a downtown news conference this morning, some drivers traveling north on Lake Shore Drive responded to the police escort by pulling over to the right until the parade of vehicles passed. Others kept moving.

One driver wanted to document the passing, and got to multi-tasking. Upon realizing that the president-elect was in the next lane, the female driver of a red Chevy blazer, appearing to to chat excitedly on her cell phone, sped up, snapped a picture, inadvertently changed lanes and nearly smashed into another car.

Must’ve been a supporter.

The story also mentioned that the woman, who was African American, was driving a car with an Alabama plate and an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. vanity plate. Earlier this year the AKAs extended an honorary membership to future First Lady, Michelle Obama.

On one hand, totally understand home girl's excitement. That's the president-elect in the other lane! But on the other hand, girlfriend, show some self-control before you kill people on Lake Shore. Live to skee-wee another day!


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