Did they swim with dolphins? What kind of shaved ice did they eat? What are they wearing? When they poop does it smell like cinnamon loaf and rainbow sprinkles? More! More!
Obama entered Koko Marina Paradise Deli and said, "So, what are we going to get?" "Let me get a tuna sandwich," Obama said, asking for it on 12-grain bread, tomatoes and no mayo.
"Actually, can you melt cheese on that?" he asked. "Can you make like a tuna melt with cheddar cheese?"
Obama then approached the press pool to say hello. He placed his shoulder on this reporter, who was scribbling notes, and said, "You don't really need to write all that down." (Honolulu Advertiser)
But was the tuna dolphin safe? The reporter didn't write that down! Inquiring minds musat know, Honolulu Advertiser!
At one point on the sidewalk, Obama dropped his sunglasses, bent down and picked then up.
Because, I really needed to know that. Was Angelina and Brad there, you know, as long as we're being ridiculous in our coverage? Did Jennifer Aniston say it was "uncool" that the President-Elect seemed to approve of Brangelina sinful, international adopted baby-filled common-law marriage? Where's the scoop Advertiser?
Obama ate his sandwich before his shave ice, saying he wanted to set a good example for his girls by eating healthy food before dessert.
Inside Kokonuts, Obama, with his BlackBerry on his left hip, ordered shave ice for the kids and friends.
He told Malia, "We're going to do it one at a time."
Some ordered banana coconut or pina colada. Sasha ordered a medium banana-flavor shave ice.
"Everyone, once you've ordered, step back," Obama instructed the kids.
Obama pulled cash out of his wallet and Eric Whitaker pitched in to pay the bill. Obama ordered mixed-berry shave ice for Sam Tubman and offered shave ice to the press pool.
"Guys, here's your chance," he told the pool. "No? I'm telling you, this is really good ... I don't think this is against policy. You want one, I can tell."
The press pool declined the president-elect's offer.
Fascinating. And now, for my favorite mundane detail about a routine trip for snacks and fun at a water park.
Earlier in the day, the group left Sea Life Park about 1:40 p.m. after spending 90 minutes at the marine amusement park.
The press pool was not allowed inside the park. Obama did not pose for pictures or talk to reporters, but reporters could see him, his daughters, and several other family friends leave the park from the interactive dolphin area.
Tourists who were inside showed pool reporters photographs they took of Obama and his family and friends. Obama is wearing a casual cream-colored shirt tucked into olive shorts, and sandals.
The Obamas and friends were seen attending the dolphin show, tourists said.
It is unclear whether the Obamas swam with dolphins, and Obama's clothing did not appear wet.
OMG! The world may never know if Sasha and Malia swam with dolphins! I don't know if my life can be complete now! (And, yes, if that had happened the pictures would be cute, but I seriously didn't need to know how the Big O likes his tuna melt or that he dropped his sunglasses. Seriously. What are you people? Cops?) And while I faux stalk the Obamas, you, Honolulu Advertiser, you beat my faux stalking with your real-time accounts of banality hands down. Did you bid on that used Kleenex Scarlett Johansson sold on eBay last week? Because that's almost where this breadth of detail belongs.
That said ... DADDY/DAUGHTERS TIME! Or should I say, President-Elect/Future First Daughters time!
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