Congratulations, Tamron Hill of MSNBC! You survived 10 tons of crazy the other day (without even messing up your magical perm), dealing with Conservative flack Kate Obenshain attempts to argue that the "Barack the Magic Negro" song was really about dissing Al Sharpton.
Democratic strategist hottie (oh, those eyebrows!) Jamal Simmons, also gets an honorable mention for riding shotgun on that one, but he should be used to crazy by now as a regular on these sort of "pundit versus pundit" deals.
You can watch the video here on Jezebel, who misspelled Tamron's name while in the midst of giving her that badge of "Courage Under Extreme Ignorance Fire."
I think I'd have more respect for the defenders of "Barack the Magic Negro" if they just admitted it was in bad taste, but shouted "FIRST AMENDMENT!" then ducked and hid somewhere after folks started throwing things. But they won't do that, so ... sigh. I guess it's kind of a story now even though Rush Limbaugh already salted this earth months ago.
BTW, for coming up with a ridiculous argument that did not involve screaming "Yeah, it was tacky but FIRST AMENDMENT!" Kate Obenshain takes home the "Not Helping!" award for the day. You're not helping the conservative cause, Obenshain! Maybe Ohio Republican Ken Blackwell can offer you some, "C'mon! It's not that serious! I'm black and I'm not mad. We can mock the president without looking like assholes! The press is TOO sensetive! Liberals get to do it all the time!" defense tactics. Go back to the drawing board. Try something involving "word police" or "censorship," because you really don't have any legs to stand on here.
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