Is former Hewlett-Packard CEO and John McCain spokeswoman Carly Fiorina secretly a member of "The Sick of Sarah Palin Club?"
Because she totally went off message Wednesday, first saying on the radio that Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin was not fit to be a CEO of a major corporation then tried to fix that damaging statement by saying that no one running for president or vice president could do the job she could not do as she was fired from Hewlett-Packard.
"Well, I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation. I don't think Barack Obama could run a major corporation. I don't think that Joe Biden could run a major corporation. But on the other hand, a major corporation is not the same as being the president or the vice president of the United States. It is a fallacy to suggest that the country is like a company."
"She would know," quipped MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. "She got fired for running that company." ("Carly Fiorina's mouth meet Carly Fiorina's brain," CNET)
No, but wait! She didn't mean for that to come across like it did! But now it's too late. The markets are a mess and she inadvertently reinforced McCain's gaffe-riddled "the economy is fundamentally strong" and I-don't-know-much-about-the-economy statements.
(T)he Obama campaign pounced. "If John McCain’s top economic adviser doesn’t think he can run a corporation, how on Earth can he run the largest economy in the world in the midst of a financial crisis?" spokesman Tommy Vietor asked.
Once so tightly wound that she never went off message, Fiorina's had some trouble jibbing with the McCain campaign. Up until this point it was for most memorably espousing a different stance on contraceptives from McCain. Fiorina also came across like she was trying to big up herself even though, as I said before, she was totally fired from her job as CEO.
Ms Fiorina's problems began after a sympathetic radio host heaped flattery on her business record – she rose from a secretarial position to run Hewlett-Packard, before being pushed out – before saying Senator McCain "thinks [Mrs Palin] has the experience to be president".
He then continued: "Do you think she has the experience to run a major company like Hewlett-Packard?" Ms Fiorina replied: "No, I don't. That's not what she is running for." Later, on television, Ms Fiorina was asked about her comment and said: "Well, I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation." (The Independent)
But like Peggy Noonan pronouncing off-camera that it was "over" after McCain picked Palin, when held down and told to stand behind this Palin person more accomplished Republican women find themselves forced to swallow bile and pretend like Palin has something they don't.
This is almost akin to going on television and explain why your husband's new mistress is a better wife than you were.
Some facades were going to crack and now we probably won't see Carly's for some time. All her upcoming media appearances are canceled and down goes the financial face of John McCain.
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