Recently when Gov. Sarah Palin returned to Alaska after being picked as John McCain's running mate she was greeted by 1,400 Alaskans who though McCain picked the wrong woman. While most of America was still falling in love with the self-professed "hockey mom" who is just like us, these individuals, mostly women, felt the need to point out that not everyone was head over heels for the Manchurian vice presidential candidate.
These are from the Alaskan Women Reject Sarah Palin Rally that happened over a week ago.

The woman in the hockey jersey and long, braided ponytails was quite inventive, putting her sign "Hockey Mama For Obama" on a hockey stick. I also enjoyed the new take on the McCain-Palin logo, reckless-inexperienced.

This woman's sign doubles as a weapon. Perhaps she feels the need to be armed with a spiked wooden stake because "Palin is a dangerous northern extremist!" ... and a vampire.

This one reminds me of the flag of the US continental army with the rattlesnake and "Don't tread on me" written on it. Only it's a black crow telling me to "beware of tricksters." Kind of creepy, but I like it.

Palin has a pretty devoted following in Alaska so it's not surprising that a few non-Palin fans feel some folks have spent a little too much time drinking the Palin-aid and trying to convince others it's refreshing and delicious. Carly Fiorina tried the Kool-Aid and wouldn't you know it? It came right back up.

Palin, quite famously, fought the government when they were trying to put the polar bear back on the endangered species list. I don't know if Palin knows this, but we're largely a nation of animal lovers to the point of lunacy, especially if those animals make cute plush toys. I'd love to here her try to explain why she wants to kill Knut's relatives. Seriously. Answer that in a way that doesn't sound heartless to the bear-of-any-kind-lovers in the lower 48. And you don't want to mess with PETA. Those mo-fos are crazy.
They sent Michael Vick to prison over dog fighting. Granted, he was a despised black man, but former Sen. Bill Frist killed some cats and Judith Nathan Giuliani killed some dogs, both in the name of some "questionable" science and serious ass covering. While it didn't "dog" them politically, it would have if either (or their spouse) had ever gotten out of starting gate.
Anyway, Frist's presidential dreams died with Terri Schiavo.

Agreed. Sarah Palin is a lot like Bush in a skirt. Oo! Ooo! What's the difference between Gov. Sarah Palin and President George W. Bush? LIPSTICK!

It's understandable that this kid would point out that Sarah Palin does not speak for him. She doesn't speak for a lot of women and children based on her policies. I don't know where to begin almost. I think the most outrageous was how as mayor of Wasilla the city charged rape victims for their testing kits. As if it weren't hard enough for sexual assault victims to seek help and get justice, now the indignity of being charged for an unspeakable act being perpetrated against them. Palin has backed off from this, even though the state legislature had to create a law to stop the charging. And, shock-shock, Wasilla was the only town doing this.
She should be glad she's on the bottom of the ticket because if she were up top she'd be hanging out with Rudy "One Delegate" Giuliani.

You'd think that "God's will is not a foreign policy," but I'm almost positive "because Jesus told me so" is the Republican Party platform. I still don't know why the Prince of Peace would want to hang out with some contradictory war hawks (I'm almost positive Jesus is a dove), but whatever. Who want's to listen to a Jewish carpenter with a "God Complex?"
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