Celebrity Photos Fashion

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Katie Couric Beats the Palin Pinata

When CBS News anchor Katie Couric starts getting licks in it's time to be concerned. I'm not saying Couric is a bad journalist or a featherweight. I didn't mind her all when she was on the Today Show. And sure, she's the second-to-weakest link on 60 Minutes. (The weakest would be Anderson Cooper. I still don't know why he's there.) But when Katie starts pulling jack moves at the end of the interview pointing out how you are dodging her question, whipping out the "not to belabor the point" at the end, only to watch you slap yourself silly with the fact that you don't know what you're talking about you're in trouble. No wonder Sarah Palin is being sheilded from the press. Sweet Betsy, someone might ask her a real question and expect her to know things like "facts" and "her running-mate's voting record." The best she can do is be Talking Points Bot 1.0. All she can do is regurgitate what they made her memorize. Shallow is as deep as this kiddie pool goes.


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