What do you call it when you call something humorous and the campaign you work for calls it sexist and that the thing they're accusing of sexism is a Tina Fey/Amy Poehler-based skit from Saturday Night Live?
Wait? Tina Fey's sexist? What choo talkin' bout, Carly Fiorina?
In a war of words reminiscent of Vice President Dan Quayle taking on television character Murphy Brown in the 1992 presidential election, John McCain’s camp is slamming Tina Fey’s impersonation of Governor Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live” ...
“The portrait was very dismissive of the substance of Sarah Palin, and so in that sense, they were defining Hillary Clinton as very substantive, and Sarah Palin as totally superficial,” McCain advisor Carly Fiorina told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Monday. “I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes I would say sexist” ...
“Just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance,” Fiorina said.
Palin, on the other hand, found the sketch amusing, according to her spokesperson. The governor and the press corps watched the sketch in the back of her plane, laughing at Tina and Amy’s satirical take on the two politicians.
“She thought it was quite funny, particularly because she once dressed up as Tina Fey for Halloween,” Palin spokesperson Tracey Schmitt told CBS.
You think she would have called the skit, I don't know, Liberally slanted, elitist or mean-spirited -- but sexist? Women can be brutal to one another and some can even identify with the boys' feelings too much (and that includes Sarah Palin), but women who hate women are accused of being self-loathing -- not sexist. But that's sort of irrelevant since Fey was working in a medium we in Snobland like to call "satire." If it makes Carly feel better, Poehler's Hillary Clinton came off as a bitter, angry harridan again. Did the Clinton camp call out SNL for mocking her desire for power no matter the cost "sexist?" Um, no. Nor did the Obama campaign accuse SNL for being "racist" because they lampooned press commentators who have a crush on Obama. No one from the O camp issued a fiery screed.
I wonder why Obama or Clinton didn't do these things???
Oh, right! SNL is a sketch comedy show and this isn't the Soviet Union. So grow a pair, McCain campaign, ... or borrow Hillary's.
In other news, Cindy McCain is really upset over the women from The View going feral on her and the hubby the other day. I hate to tell her, they're kind of known for the occasional tiger mauling and if you can't handle Whoopi Goldberg asking you if you're pro-slavery because you want the constitution to be viewed through a 1787 lens how are you going to handle Vladimir Putin? What if Johnny Mac becomes prez and Vlad the Impaler finds out that to get to him all he needs to do is get Sommore and Mo'Nique to defect?
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