The Obama-Biden ticket visited "Title Town," Detroit, MI and Former Mayor/convicted criminal (Wait, is he a convict yet?) Kwame Kilpatrick was kept 1,500 yards away from them at all times.

And Michelle was ready to do some glad-handin' and grinnin'! Who's husband is up in the polls! Hers is! Woot! Woot!

And hey kids! It's Grandpa Joe! I have to imagine that as zany (and slightly unstable, but in a lovable sort of way) as Joe Biden is as a politician he has to make an extremely fun, insane grandpa. Imagine the stories he tells the lil'est Bidens how he wrote "Profiles In Courage" and that time he and FDR arm wrestled over who would get win a date with Eleanor, and then later took down Imperial Japan with the power of "filibustering." And then Jill walks in with her hands on her hips and goes, "Now Joe! You're not telling the kids you single-handedly freed the Pacific again?"
Oh, crazy Grandpa Joe! The things you must say!

Barack: Hey Michelle, you know who's cute?
Michelle: Who?
Barack: You are.

"And when we send all the bastards to hell they can tell Satan that Mad Dog Joe Biden sent'cha!"

And now for the presentation of the jerseys. Once again, Kwame Kilpatrick was NOT there to hand them out, thank you, Jesus. I'm starting to think it was the Obama campaign who made him step down just so they could campaign in Detroit and not be asked about him or see him or even consider the fact that he once prowled these streets, flacking for Hillary Clinton while sleeping with women who weren't his wife, while firing the detective investigating him, while just being gross. Detroit should lobby for a Papal visit. They need an exorcism to make sure they get that Kilpatrick smell out.
Oh well. Guess Hopey McChange will have to do for now!

I just hope Title Town's tenacity for wins rubs off on Team Obama. He's gonna need it! That McCain is crazier than Mad Dog Joe. Joe is his own, one-man diversion. McCain's got more stunts than Snoop's got blunts. It's a mad, mad campaign.
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