First off: Those Obamas love to hug each other (As you see in the pictures below). Not complaining. The hugging is awesome.
Second: When you're as tall and as shapely as Michelle Obama you can practically wear a paper bag and look good, so when she wears something that features a floral pattern that reminds me of my Great-Great Aunt Bert's plastic covered couch I think, "If I saw that on the rack I would barf."
But then Michelle wears it and I'm all -- I absolutely hate it, but DAMN it looks good on you!
The cut of the dress was marvelous. It flattered her figure amazingly. I couldn't help but notice her silhouette from the back and thought that is the fugliest but most gorgeously fitted dress I've seen her wear thus far.
I hated the weird stripe of material at the vertical seams. I hated the black bow cocked to the side on the front of the dress. But she's a 5'10" glamazon and she made it work with her matching heels and laser precision, cut-and-styled hair.
Naturally, I'm on the hunt of who the designer was. If you have any tips on who made it, please shoot a Snob an email. So my official verdict, love the dress pattern. Hate the material! She looked good, but ... man, no more floral print, please! I beg of you, Michelle!
Michelle-a-holics? What's your verdict?
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