You take two steps forward and one step back in the dance of the die hard Clintonista.
Most are smart women. They measure their odds. Do they want the guy who beat their gal, but shares her platform, or Mr. Can't Answer A Question About Contraception and Insurance Companies? There's really not much of contest here. If you like your women's rights movement with pro-reproductive rights, pro initiatives for the healthcare of women and children, plus some equal pay for equal work you're stuck rooting for the team with the "D" on their chest.
That's what several women's rights groups did Tuesday -- drawing the line in the sand and joining Sen. Hillary Clinton in chanting "No way, no how, no McCain, no Palin."
Six organizations -- the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Organization for Women, Business and Professional Women/USA, the National Association of Social Workers, the National Congress of Black Women and the Women's Information Network -- all came out for Team Obama and against the woman Arianna Huffington dubbed a "Trojan Moose."
Don't let the vagina fool you. Women actually vote with their brains.
WASHINGTON - Women's rights groups endorsed Barack Obama for president Tuesday, asserting the historic selection of a female Republican vice presidential candidate does not make up for John McCain's lack of support on issues important to women.
"We don't think it's much to break a glass ceiling for one woman and leave millions of women behind," said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation ...
NOW backed New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primaries. "We join with her in saying 'no,'" said NOW President Kim Gandy, referring to a line Clinton used at the Democratic convention last month. "No way, no how, no McCain."
Gandy and Smeal dismissed polls that suggested McCain has received a boost in support from white women after he picked Palin.
"The die is not cast yet," Smeal said.
Indeed, but not everyone got the memo on (or got over) the Clinton v. Obama slapfest being moot. Namely a wealthy Democratic Party operative, Lynn Forester de Rothschild. According to CNN, Forester de Rothschild is a prominent Sen. Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee.
She is the CEO of EL Rothschild, an international holding company and is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. CNN reported, "Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York."
And now this wealthy woman of status and means is endorsing John McCain.
Why, you ask?
Steady yourself for the most hypocritical, pot calling the kettle black and the skillet"uppity" statement ever.
In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.
“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”
He's an elitist and she's an insanely wealthy former "Hillraiser" who generated more than $100,000 in funds for Clinton's failed campaign. A person who travels and lives abroad and is married to a guy who has sir as a title.
Je accuse!
What is up with elites calling Obama "elitist?" Is this woman for real? Really, really real, son. Want raw deal, son, if it's really real, real? She kicks back at the dive downing shots of tequila while field dressing a moose and talking about Toby Keith albums and NASCAR? She's down with the NRA and OPP and the STD or whatever banal stuff people like Forester de Rothschild think us regular dumbasses are down with? How hood can you be when your name "Forester de Rothschild?" It even sounds like it belongs next to Richie Rich, the Roosevelts, the Rockefellers and Archduke Ferdinand.
And how could she support Hillary? Hillary and Bill Clinton became "elitist" the moment they were proclaimed President and First Lady of the United States. Next to being the Pope I don't know if there's a more elite office on the planet. And some would even argue the Clintons became elites before that. And what is up with hating people for being educated and refined? I thought elites liked the idea of people like them being in charge? Sort of like an American version of an aristocracy, falling in love with powerful political families like the Kennedys and the Bushes.
But let's just keep it real, Ms. Insanely Rich Lady With Elitist Sounding Last Name, this really isn't about Barack's Ivy League education and ability to pronounce "nuclear." Don't make up a fake hypocritical reason. Just say you are so blinded by bitterness over Clinton's loss (or racism, whatever, it's you're party, rich elitist lady) that you don't care. You're willing to let your house burn down because you don't like the fireman who came to put it out.
All those issues you claimed to love didn't really mean anything after all. At the end of the day you couldn't accept the loss that even both Clintons have worked their way through. You're still holding on to hate. Enjoy yourself because if McCain wins, pulls a William Henry Harrison and you're living under the theocratic fiefdom of Queen Pink Pony Princess Polar Bear Killer President-for-Life Sarah Palin, where you have to go to Mexico to get your birth control pills and the Supreme Court rolls the Constitution back to 1787 and I have to move to Canada because I'm not down with being anyone's slave, we'll rest easy knowing that you didn't vote for that elitist Obama. No. You chose the lazy son of an admiral who is married to a wealthy heiress who can just drop $300,000 on an outfit.
*Thanks to reader Dexter T. for the tip!
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