See! Now that's satire. I get exactly what that is supposed to be about. It's pitch freakin' perfect, comedy gold. It's so meta and so absurd with absurdity being the rule of law in this election cycle. Not since dogs playing poker have I seen such an iconic image of pop ridiculousness that can burn its way into your frontal lobe and never, ever leave.
And Stephen Colbert's face with his hand on his hip? That smirk like the one from The New Yorker cartoon cover -- priceless. And the Get Christie Love 'fro he's rocking? I couldn't love it more if I tried.
The cover goes with a very funny Entertainment Weekly Q&A with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert about the presidential race (as well as the occupational hazards of working as satirists). Stewart at one point compares their news-ish coverage to being akin to a drunk calling out another drunk for lying in a bar in New Jersey. The interview is hilarious.
Here's a nugget of Stewart answering a question about Gov. Sarah Palin's "folk hero" status:
I keep hearing that she's ''like us.'' There's this idea that people who hunt and have ''good'' values are somehow this mythological American; I don't know who ''this'' person is, I've never met them. She is no more typical ''us'' than I am, than Obama is, than McCain is, than Mr. T is. If there is something quintessentially or authentically American about her, I sort of feel like, you know what? You ''good values people'' have had the country for eight years, and done an unbelievably s---ty job. Let's find some bad values people and give them a shot, maybe they'll have a better take on it.
Thanks reader dkan71 for the link!
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