Is it just me, or did Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel jack John McCain's "maverick," busting heads with your own party angle, years ago? Ever since McCain cuddled up to Georgie Porgie in hopes of tricking the party base into liking him, that whole "maverick/Country First" label reads more like "party capitulator/McCain First."
Hagel didn't mince words. He's a member of the club.
Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska yesterday became the nation’s most prominent Republican officeholder to publicly question whether Sarah Palin has the experience to serve as president.
"She doesn’t have any foreign policy credentials," Hagel said in an interview with the Omaha World-Herald. "You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don’t know what you can say. You can’t say anything."
Then Hagel said something I've been thinking ever since this insane -- the most insane of all the Palin talking points -- was first pushed by Republicans.
Palin has cited the proximity of Alaska to Russia as evidence of her international experience.
Hagel scoffed at that notion.
"I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" he said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."
Indeed! I feel her whole selection was insulting to the American people. But some Americans, unlike us and Chuck, don't realize they've just been told they're idiots. You just had an email-hiding, rape-kit-charging, book-banning, dictatorial, your-body-her-choice, "I can see Russia from my house" farce foisted up on you and you shouted, "Awesome! She's hot and makes moose burgers! And she is got a knocked up teenage daughter! She's just like me! She's real!"
Of course Bush was elected twice. Of course!
Welcome to the club, Chuck!
In other news, at a women's forum in North Carolina Thursday morning, Michelle Obama quipped that voters should choose based on the issues, not because they like a candidate or think "she's cute."
La Femme Obama then clarified with a smile and laugh that she was referring to herself.
Now, isn't she a sly one?
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