First off, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden fresh from the debates in Florida on Saturday at Florida A&M University.
Per usual, Michelle is rocking the sleeveless look, but this time in a simple burgundy dress with a blue ribbon sash. She was glowing and her arms looked ripped (as always). Her look was simple, dressy, yet casual. The hair? Still awesome. She's maintaining it very well.

Jill Biden also looked lovely (and caught a bit of Michelle's sleeveless bug). She's a gorgeous woman and looks like a "real" woman. No disrespect to Cindy McCain, but Jill looks warm, fun and friendly. She seems very earthy and sweet. That doesn't mean that Cindy's Cruella DeVille, she just sometimes projects an ice queen look when she's actually not that frigid. Plus, the long hair on Cindy makes her look a tad too "Dina Lohan" as one critic opined. I wish she'd go back to rocking her pixie cut of 2000. It made her look hipper and smart. Now she just looks like Menopause Barbie.

It rained on Barack's parade at a rally he and Joe Biden held in Virginia, but that didn't stop him and Michelle from stepping out at the Congressional Black Caucus banquet in Washington, D.C.

I'm on the hunt for a better picture of Michelle's dress. It looks very interesting and feminine. I'm wondering if the embellishments on the bottom are black flowers against a peach chiffon-like fabric. If anyone has a better photo (or a tip on who made the dress) shoot me an email.

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