Since this morning CNN has ruled out Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh as Obama's prime picks. Joe Biden's house is a flurry of activity and James Carville and Paul Begala are a little harrumpfffed that Barack Obama's people didn't even bother to ask Hillary Clinton her opinion on the veepstakes, let alone offer her the chance to turn the job down.
Bayh is apparently taking it like a man since Maury Povich stopped by the house just to say, "Evan Bayh! You ARE NOT the vice presidential candidate for the Democratic Party!"
A source close to Evan Bayh expressed disappointment with the decision. "We are all sad," the source tells CNN. "But Evan was cool with this, whatever happened. He understands what he's got — a family, and a life he's very happy in."
It's like the Oscars. It was an honor just to be almost nominated.
As for the Clinton snubbing, it amazes me that people are surprised by this. The presidency only has enough room for one ego at a time. That's why George let Dick do all the serious conjuring. Besides, at this point they probably can barely stand each other. Do we need to repeat Kerry-Edwards where they both hated each other but gave it the college try anyway? I'm for it if everyone can bury the hatchets in other places but their backs, but the amount of aerodynamics required to pull a Clinton veep off would take the theorems of quantum physics to come to fruition.
All respect to Carville and Begala, but the Obama people were probably annoyed with the whole notion that they should have to placate anyone who was trying to beat the tar out of them a few months ago. The Clinton people are probably still mad over ... um ... probably everything. Pick something. Mark Penn. How the shizz went down. Sexism. Vanity Fair Magazine. MSNBC. Losing to the newbie. YouTube. Half their friends joining the Obama camp. Having black folks call them racists. Chris Matthews enjoying a fine meal of Hillary Hate night after night. And I'm sure she's mad at Bill for something, he was a double-edge sword. Once again. Lots of reasons to be mad.
But hey, it could still happen. Politics makes strange bedfellows, but I'd be wary of doing anything that could cause Chris Matthews to OD on reading the Starr Report for old times sake. Getting high off all that grossnesss.
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