Before I put my serious writer hat on I need to get this out of the way ... the thing we all want, no scratch that, NEED to see!
Pictures of Michelle shining like an emerald with her jewel-toned dressed, perfectly heart-melting, adorable daughters, and a proud Barack and Michelle almost crying when she saw how proud he was, and the "I love you, Daddy. Daddy, where are you?" ... and Craig.
I actually don't have that much to say about Craig Robinson, the La Femme Obama's brother. I hope he's a better basketball coach than a public speaker. Michelle was the only one making slam dunks Monday night.

Wrap it up, Craig! We want to see the big show!

Hubby watches with rapt attention in Kansas City, Mo.

First off, the dress? Loves it! Michelle always looks gorgeous in jewel tones. (Or any solid color. I don't think she has a bad color. The woman rocked ORANGE. That's just how we do.) I don't know who the designer is yet, but I bet it's Maria Pinto, her girl in Chicago. The dress is similar to the purple sheath and an orange dress she's worn previously that were also made by Pinto. I would have preferred a necklace over the beaded flower on her chest, but other than that I have few complaints. Over and over last night, myself, my dad, mother, pundits on TV, even on FOX News couldn't get over how gorgeous she looked. The best Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez on CNN could come up with was it was too "evening gown" like. Um ... seriously, Leslie.
Game. Set. Match. Michelle.
And the hair? It was like it was touched by the flat iron of God.

Now the makeup? Even more flawless. It photographed well and made her look youthful and gorgeous on TV. (She was magically forehead wrinkle free on TV.) She was radiant and rumor has it cosmetics maven Bobbi Brown did Michelle's makeup herself. I wouldn't be surprised. Michelle is the most coveted fashionistas' fantasy in politics right now.
And they'd take Barack too if they could get their hands on him. Speaking of Barack ...

This is the portion where I read Barack Obama's mind as he watches Michelle's speech.
"She's doing great. I'm so proud."
"Man, she looks beautiful."
"I NEEDS my WOMAN! Damn St. Louis ... I mean Kansas City! Just wait 'til I get to Denver."
And I'm going to stop reading his mind now, because I think the rest of those thoughts should be private. Hint. Hint. Wink. Wink

Um ... nothing to say here. Just beautiful. And all the "Michelle" signs. Can we vote Michelle O. for president? Should SHE have been vetted as a possible veep for Barack? I may be moving from Michelle fan to Michelle stan. Michelle O. in 2012!

Squeeeee! The girls! All dressed like jewels, just like mommy. And all their shoes are the same color. And man, Malia's tall for a 10-year-old (no surprise with super tall parents). And I swear, I can't look at Sasha and not see my baby sis, Baby Snob. You know she runs it at home, like all babies.
Also, it was a pretty brave thing to bring the girls out in front of such a huge audience, but they were just as natural and happy and sweet as they always are.

"Hi Daddy!"
This was the point where I started crying. It wasn't Michelle's touching story of her life, but seeing this very real moment that could not be faked. While Michelle and Barack have become larger than life political figures, the girls make them "mommy" and "daddy" again. They're the evidence that they come from a loving household and are flesh and blood people.
Both girls were extremely happy to see their daddy, happily talking to him, saying they loved him and asking where he was. I could feel how much they all miss being together. And seeing Michelle tear up when she saw how proud Barack was and ... you just can't fake that. That was love, people. Love.

Blowing kisses. "Bye, Daddy!"
Again. Game. Set. Match. Team Obama wins.
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