If it weren't for the fact that he's going to have to return to the trail I could go on forever searching and posting pictures from the Obama family vacation in Hawaii. Mostly because seeing Barack and the girls interact with people and do regular family vacation things is awesome. Again, there is very little Michelle in this photo spread, but she's is at Pearl Harbor with Barack, the girls and a gaggle of multi-culti kids, likely nieces and nephews plus friends of those kiddies.
Barack also body surfed. Met some fans while body surfing. (Does the Secret Service swim near him when he's catching a wave?) That means there are, yet more, pictures of Barack shirtless. They're not as gratuitous and "tabloid-y" as last time, but he's still shirtless all the same. This is something I would not recommend for McCain to attempt. That would do nothing for anyone. It may even lose him one or two votes. Nothing says, "I'm healthy!" like a flat stomach and the ability to swim with impunity. McCain, sadly, possesses neither.

Oh, Michelle. Why so illusive? I want and need more pictures of you in Hawaii too. I can barely see those silver flats you're wearing. How can I judge their cuteness if you don't come closer? How, Michelle? HOW!
Getting Wet and Wild (Sort of ... It should probably read "Wet and Mild")

Barack Obama is a total water baby. He couldn't go to Hawaii and not catch him some sun and surf. Hallelujah. Don't let those paparazzi keep you from having your fun! You've got nothing to hide but fit and thinness.

This beats pictures of Bush cutting brush on his palatial ranch in Crawford, TX. Did you know George is abandoning Crawford and moving to Dallas when he leaves office? Poor Dallas. What did it ever do to anyone ... besides unlawfully prosecute tons of people that the DA is trying to clean up now?
That said, this looks much better than John Kerry windsurfing, primarily because Barack is fit enough to go shirtless and secondly, his body is largely concealed by water. Thirdly, he isn't doing anything in the ocean most folks can't do if they know how to swim. Look at him go!

And now to meet some potential voters. Even while on vacation.

Visiting the spot where he scatter his mother's ashes

Barack tossed a lei to his mom into the ocean.

Beautiful. The Associated Press is doing a fine job. Those pictures were both poignant and gorgeous. I could actually feel the ocean spray on my face. Made me miss Santa Barbara.
Someday I'll return to you, Santa Barbara. Someday.
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