Ah, vacation. All Barack Obama ever wanted. Some time with his little girls and their little girlfriends. (Or cousins ... I'm not sure who's kids are these, but they're cute!) Walking around the home turf, visiting your old stomping grounds, visiting your grandmother (aw!) and visiting the grave of your grandfather (aw.) And doing it all with a throng of photographers because the "O" Man is where the story is.

I can still see the newsroom where Obama reporters are fielding their takes on his campaign and the assignment editor is all into it, along with the news desk and the producers. Then the lowly John McCain reporter comes in with a piece on McCain greeting folks at Kerby's Koney Island diner in Bloomfield, Mich.

"What?" said the editor. "Obama's eating shaved ice and wearing flip flops, you say? STOP THE PRESSES!"

Not that McCain didn't try to get some attention. Cindy's been sporting her arm in a sling along with her designer Nancy Reagan Jr. wear. That raised some eyebrows. The flacks for McCain said an over exuberant supporter squeezed her wrist so hard during a handshake it re-injured an area where she'd had a carpal tunnel condition.
Hmmm. I'll let this one fly this time. But if Cindy starts showing up at events with black eyes, explaining that a door knob hit her in the face after she fell down some stairs, John McCain is going to have some splainin' to do!
And once again, camera stalkers, where is Michelle? I need my fix!

Visiting the grave of Barack's grandfather.

The Pali Lookout point in Honolulu

And getting his golf on.
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