It seems our dear Barry has made up his mind, only he hasn't let us in on the secret yet. The press is guessing the announcement may even come today. Until that happens though, The Snob is still in speculation mode.
Who's America's Next Top Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate? Who will be the one to inquire everyday how future President Obama is doing? Is he sick? Does he need me to do anything? Is there a tie vote that needs to be broken in the senate? Who, Obama? WHO! Will it be? Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Sen. Joe Biden or Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine?
If you ask me, that sounds like a whole lot of boring (with hot headed Joe being the one thing that does not belong with the others)
Asked what he wanted in a possible president-in-waiting, Obama said:
"Obviously, the most important question is: Is this person ready to be president?" Obama said in an interview aired Friday on "The Early Show" on CBS. Second, he said, was: "Can this person help me govern? Are they going to be an effective partner in creating the kind of economic opportunity here at home and guiding us through some dangerous waters internationally?"
And, he added: "I want somebody who is going to be able to challenge my thinking and not simply be a 'yes person' when it comes to policymaking.
With Mad Joe and "The Uninteresting Foursome From Dullsville," I have to admit all these choices are safe and borderline negligible as a plus or negative for the campaign. The register a negative 9.5 on the Richter Scale. Although if picked, Biden will bite off some heads.
The press has ruled out other potential and more "colorful" veep candidates like New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Sen. Chris Dodd, former Sen. Tom Daschle, former Vice President Al Gore, self-imploding former candidate John Edwards, Virginia Sen. Jim Webb and, of course, the 2,000 ton elephant in the room, Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Yes she will, indeed!)
I suppose he could shock the shit out of us and pull a Cheney, picking the person heading up his veepstakes -- Caroline Kennedy. But she has no executive or foreign policy experience.
But her last name is Kennedy! Nostalgia vote!
And there's still time to pick Will Smith, Barack! He's a war hero. He totally punched that alien in the head, then all smooth-like growled, "Welcome to Earth!" And he was a fighter pilot in that movie. He saved the freakin' world ... TWICE if you count "Men In Black." Thrice if you count "Hancock." It's never too late! Obama and Willie Will in '08!
I can see the Obama girls playing with the Smiths' kiddies on the White House lawn right now. I may pass out from the adorableness. And come on. Second Lady Jada Pinkett-Smith would be awesome. Imagine the fun she and Michelle would have joking about the height disparity alone.
Make my dream of an all black first and second family come true, Hope Man! I'll be awaiting my text message.
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