Today a couple of my BFFs are visiting. They're my two best friends from Bakersfield -- the newly ordained Anglican priest and the current, seminary attending Episcopalian postulate. They're my two red-headed Irish-Dutch and Irish-German sisters, so I probably won't be doing much updating today. (Although I could talk about strategy to counteract the Palin pick ALL DAY!)

The "Doomed Romance" series should resume this week. I was inundated in political news (obviously) and the series was bumped in favor of the Democratic Convention. Now the Republican Convention is set to kick off and a hurricane is bearing down on the gulf coast just after the three year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Let's hope that everyone is spared the grief that plagued the region three years ago. But if the hurricane is devastating, let's hope FEMA and the Bush Administration doesn't sit idle while people drown. I can't/won't stand for it if I have to turn on the news and see what I saw three years ago. I'm not interested in crying for months, looking at people lose everything.

Tom Brokaw is getting on my last nerves. I miss Tim Russert on "Meet the Press," so much. And even though he's no Timmy, I wish they'd just put David Gregory on there. Brokaw just let's the people he interviews go on and on and he doesn't challenge them very often. Today he had Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty on and didn't ask once if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was more qualified than him to be vice president. He was a runner-up. Everyone knew he was being vetted along with Tom Ridge, Carly Fiorina, Joe Lieberman and Mitt "Mittens" Romney. He's on McCain's team. So what was wrong with him? That would have been my no. 1 question. How is Palin more qualified than you who's been governor longer of a bigger and more complicated state? But noooo ... Brokaw just sat there and let the man babble endlessly about Palin's accomplishments -- which more and more sound quaint rather than remarkable, like a high school extra-curricular resume where you rattle off you were president of the glee club and was a member of the Honors Society.

Also, fellow blogger and black nerd, Afronerd, is hosting author Jeremiah Camara on his radio show tonight. They'll be talking about Camara's new book, Holy Lockdown: Does the Church Limit Black Progress? (Hmm. I might have to check out that book.) They'll also talk about Camara's work on a "Holy Lockdown" documentary as well as his response to CNN's Black in America series. The show starts at 7 p.m. EST. To call in "live" dial 646-915-9620 or reach Afronerd via email/IM at afronerdradio@yahoo.
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