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Thursday, August 14, 2008

O'Reilly Tries to Bully Obama Into Coming on "The Factor"

Sayeth Newshounds:

(H)e made his pitch saying that Barack Obama had promised to come on The Factor after the primary. " He looked me in the eye and patted me on my shoulder." He warned that " the dance has been going on much too long" and "what am I to think?... "As a journalist and a voter I would like to know why Barack Obama is so hesitant about defining himself?"

Then offering the ultimatum O'Reilly said, "If Barack Obama continues to hide himself from American voters, he encourages a negative information flow against him."

Considering that Barack and Michelle Obama have been interviewed by everyone including People Magazine, Larry King and even Access Hollywood, what dark secrets or petty nonsense can only be revealed by the O'Reilly interview technique.

Oh, the desperation! I'm assuming he's referring to this embarrassing incident where he almost caught a beatdown from a Secret Service agent in New Hampshire.

Video from Crooks and Liars.

Tsk. Tsk. Silly O'Reilly! Tricks are for legitimate press!

I'm getting rather sick of FOX News staffers bitching and moaning about how they aren't treated like a legitimate media source. (The Dems won't have a debate here! They won't come on our shows! Wah! Wah!) That they're the bastard, black sheep, red-headed, inbred step children of cable news. It seems amazingly stupid that a network which has lead in the ratings for years (although they're experiencing some slippage this year) is worried about its "legitimacy." If Rupert Murdock doesn't give two shits, why do you? If your bosses cared about legitimacy you wouldn't have spend so much time reporting on crap.

And it's not that CNN and MSNBC don't report on crap. You guys just take it to another level. Like excuses to show "wild" girls on spring break and call it "news coverage." The stalking of people who disagree with you. (Mike Wallace only stalked people who had something to hide because they were being felonious. Calling you a gas bag is not felonious.) Altering the faces of print media critics to mock them. That whole "Obama's baby mama/terrorist fist jab" crap. That shit. That fact that you didn't cover Jena 6 ... at all. These are the reasons why no one takes you seriously in the industry. You're like a bunch of 14 year old girls with a slam book watching "Gossip Girl."

Wolf Blizter is a total slut who will news whore for any source! Katie Couric plagiarizes her signing-off statements! Everyone at The New York Times are all total gaylords! Instead of the "Gray Lady," they should call it the Gay Lady! News sluts!

See? Not cool. You're acting like a total gaylord, O'Reilly.

NEWS SLUTS! *Giggles!*


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