According to Us Magazine celebrity designer Tommy Woods has created this purse as a gift for La Femme Obama. Obviously, it is based on the Obama campaign's ubiquitous logo. And obviously, it is hideous. Made from Acacia wood, he's going to gift one to Michelle, then sell the replicas with a portion going for charity.
I realize the Obamas are falsely accused of being unpatriotic, but this star spangled, hope-flavored monstrosity doesn't match ANYTHING Michelle likes to wear. Not even her Wonder Woman black belt, which possesses the powers of "change" and "whoop ass." And Woods' wood handbag is fugly. But the Obamas have inspired this sort of extremism and Tommy Woods has caught that "-itis!" The Obamaitis!
"I hope she will get it in time to wear to the convention [next week]," Woods – whose work was featured on Sex and the City – said in a statement.
Yup. I can see it now when Michelle opens her package, excited over a new accessory, then gives this purse the same look you'd give a tacky Christmas sweater, tossing it on the pile of hideous crap the Obamas have received in the name of Obama love.
And then on perfectly embossed stationary made from a quality piece of heavyweight card stock, Michelle will have her staff lovingly write in cursive:
Dear Tommy,
Thank you for the lovely handbag you have crafted for me. I am amazed how you were able to draw such fashionable inspiration from myself and Barack. In fact, this purse is so lovely I'm not even going to wear it for fear of it getting nicked or damaged. Instead I'm going to place it on display in our home as a very special piece of art to remind us that we must continue to inspire this sort of creativity in others such as yourself. It is truly a treasure as you are a treasure, Tommy.
Michelle Obama
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