It was big. It was beautiful. It was just the beginning ... I hope.
I'm too mentally fried to write anything of substantive nature. All I can say is that 1) the speech was so perfect even Pat Buchanan had to agree, 2) I will never tire of looking at Michelle and the girls, 3) I enjoyed the moment and all its fullness and 4) I was glad he turned the "popularity breeds contempt" celebrity meme on its head by pointing out it was the acts of millions of individuals that put him on that platform. That the campaign is about them, us and the rest of America. Not him.
And could Joe Biden not be more stoked to be veep? Grinning, two fists in the air, I half expected him to leap into the crowd and start body surfing because The Crazy caught a-hold of him.
Now I will sit and wait to be "shocked and awed" by John McCain doing something lame, like not picking his loathed primary rival Mitt Romney for veep. (Everyone is murmuring he'll ring-a-rosy around Tim Paw-who-the-hell-knows-who-this-dude-is-lenty. I'm really wanting to see Ann Romney, the handsome but not-too-swift, "serving our country by working dad's campaign" Romney boys and ten billion other Romneys back in this thing. I have not tried to hide the fact that I find Cindy McCain dull and pinched, and, sadly, Megan McCain is no where near as fun as the Bush twins. If I can't have boozy young adults I'll take 1950s fantasies in minty Mormon flavor. Bring on the insanely wealthy and thick haired political Osmonds, please! One rotten Romney don't spoil the whole bunch, John!

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