While the adults prepared for speeches did a walk through and answered the stray media question, Sasha Obama seized the gavel and gave it a bang on the podium.
It's Michelle "Mommy" Obama's big night. She's the one giving the speech, but for the youngest Obama, who always looks a little bored during such events, this was a rare delight any six-year-old can appreciate.
From Huffington Post:
After emerging from the backstage area 15 minutes behind schedule, Michelle posed at the podium, wordlessly, with one hand on Sasha's shoulder, for the benefit of various convention staff who worked on lighting and camera placement. Then, Michelle took the gavel at the podium and raised it halfway into the air, posed again for a moment, and then set the gavel gently back down.
At which point Sasha stood up on her tippy-toes and grabbed the gavel herself. After raising it as high in the air as her arms would allow, Sasha brought the gavel down hard, and let out an accompanying squeal of delight.
Also, the girls' dresses and sweaters are very lovely and colorful in these shots. The adorable factor is at an 11 here.

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